About Counseling
Our Philosophy
The integration of Theology and Psychology
There are many different definitions of what "Christian Counseling" entails, which can be confusing to those searching for a therapist sharing his or her beliefs. Therapy offered by the therapists at Charleston Christian Counseling Associates is based on effective, research based treatment, delivered by a trained therapist who is licensed by the state of South Carolina. The integrated approach described above is fully understanding of the Christian world-view, while at the same time utilizing knowledge and techniques that are known to work with your individual circumstances and problems.
All truth is God's truth, which is the foundation belief for a faith-based integrated approach to Psychotherapy. The Bible is inspired by God, and the highest standard of truth that we have, which is considered God's special revelation. The Bible is the story of God's redemption and does not address every complex facet of how to deal with human struggles or how to understand human nature. From the point where the Bible leaves off in these areas we have the general revelation of God. This general revelation is truth found through various disciplines, such as Archaelology, History, Medicine and Psychology. For the purposes of counseling, the Bible is the filter through which Psychology is understood and delivered, since all of Psychology is not aligned with a Christian world-view. With this filter in place, however, a faith-based approach to treatment can freely use components from the discipline of Psychology that will facilitate the healing and change only possible through God's grace and mercy.