Couples Therapy with Charleston Christian Counseling Associates

What is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)?

Each of us desperately wants to know that our partner is there for us. EFT bonds partners together creating healthy love and repairing past hurts. With a secure emotional connection, partners more easily communicate and solve problems.

Does it work?

Lots of research shows that EFT does work. In fact, couples EFT has been shown to create LASTING CHANGE. Where other therapy gains dwindle after termination, research shows that couples that have used EFT continue to improve even outside of therapy. More specifically, EFT has worked with couples: depression, anxiety, infidelity, medical illness, forgiveness dilemmas and trauma.

How does it work?

EFT uses a systematic road-map to guide each couple towards emotional connectivity. There are 9 steps divided into 3 stages.

How long does it take?

EFT is considered a short term therapy. A full progression of all nine steps typically takes between 12-30 sessions. Session length depends on the symptoms present at the time of intake.

What are the nine steps of EFT?

Phase 1 is called the “Assess and Deescalate Phase” and is composed of four steps:

Step 1: Identify the conflict.

Step 2: Identify the cycle where conflict is expressed.

Step 3: Access unacknowledged emotions.

Step 4: Reframe — Victims of the cycle and now allies against it.

Phase 2 is called the “Change Events Phase” and is composed of three steps: Phase 2 involves creating corrective emotional experiences.

Step 5: Promote identification of disowned needs.

Step 6: Promote partner acceptance.

Step 7: Facilitate expression of needs and wants.

Phase 3 is called the “Consolidation of Change Phase” and is composed of 2 steps: Phase 3 involves resolving old problems, which should be easier and more naturally solved since the emotional attachment conflicts have been resolved.

Step 8: New solutions.

Step 9: Consolidation.


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